Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chapter 10 and 11

 In this chapter we keep up with John Longridge and with the hunter family.

The Hunter family is a on a ship back home. They can't wait to see there pets. Elizabeth even bought Tao, a red collar. She was EXTREMALY happy!!
Mean while at John's house. John was back from his hunting/ fishing trip. Misses Oaks has told him how she susspected that their was an other note. And there was infact. She told John that when she got there, the animals were not there. And then that she saw only the one note. She had looked all around, but did not find it. After a while John new were they had gone. They wanted to go home. To the hunter family. So they had traveld west, in a straight line. (Since animals detect magnetic fields. They would know were west is. blabla bla blablabla...... you know).

He has serched everywere, sometimes people told him that they saw a labradore and a terrier. A shcool said that one of there students had housed a cat that had drowned in a river.It led to Mr.Oaks thinking that the old terrier was dead but later on, the mcenzie farm told them they saw a labradore and a terrier and they housed them as well, and they also eate the eggs and chikens.And remember that collie that attacked them. well the farmer reported them.
John really missed him.... (SNIF)

The hunters were finally here,and John at told them the truth.They looked for them cslled people. After a few day or so... They went ona walk on this trail looking for them. While they were on this trail they would recall all the good times they had with the animals. Finally they gave up. But Elizabeth was begging them not to. She said that she could hear them, since, younger people, hace better hearing, they belive her and stayed stile a few minutes. Finally, Petter heard it two!!!!!! They waited a bit more. But nothing showed up until Peter told her dad to whitle. So he did and there was Tao, Elizabeth took himin her arms and carressed him.Then Luath appered! John didn't think he would be emotional, but he did, he felt a lump in his thoat, and started to cry, seeing the beautiful dog.
They were all happy, caressing the animals... But then they all relized that Bodger was missing, Peter had been the only one that seemed unhappy, staring at the ground. He asked them to go wait for him in the car, which meant he needed to cry on his own. But John insisted on going with him. Surprisingly, Peter let him.
While the other were waiting in the car, John and Peter, were walking and talking. SUDDENLY, the saw a white dog!!!! It was Bodger. When they returned to the car every body was veryhappy to see them! And I think they live happilly ever after( I am not sure)!! LOL

I like this last part, cause there is a suspense, and then it gets relised so quikly that your so happy. I like that every body lived espasially Tao, a like Tao, but i would still be sad, if they others died. If you think about the hole book. it really has been an amazing journey for them.I don't think any dog could of survived that. Well its a good book, another reson why its a classic!!



  1. Love your blog please look
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  2. thanks for this blog! it really helps me understand the book!

  3. Could have been better, I can't understand words cause you spell them incorrectly. But good book,

    1. haha, i'm sorry for the spelling, I wrote this in 4th-5th grade for an english project! Didn't think anybody would ever read this, lmao! But thanks!

    2. hijklmno
      Riddle. What does this mean in short?
      (Clue: Look at the range of letters)

  4. I have not understand any thing
